
But 2023 has been different. Aside from a few prominent scandals, it’s been a year of resurgence and renewed investor interest. The price of bitcoin (BTC) has risen from about $16,500 at the start of the year to about $41,300, as of Dec. 18, 2023—an eye-popping gain of about 150%. But is crypto too volatile to invest in—especially if you’re a conservative investor? Is it worth exploring, or should you stay away from all the hype?

What are cryptocurrencies? A quick refresher for Canadian investors

Cryptocurrency is a form of digital money based on blockchain technology, which securely and permanently records transactions in a digital ledger. Unlike traditional fiat currency, crypto isn’t created, managed or backed by banks. Bitcoin, for example, operates on a multitude of computers around the world (called “nodes”) that run a specific algorithm. Together, they contribute massive amounts of computing power to create new coins, process transactions and maintain the decentralized ledger of these transactions.

In the past, Canadian crypto investors bought coins, or fractions of coins, via crypto exchanges. Today, you can invest in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that hold bitcoin and ethereum, making crypto more accessible to a wide range of investors.

The potential benefits of investing in crypto

Many Canadian investors remain cautious about crypto, wary of the dizzying volatility of crypto prices. Nonetheless, crypto is quickly emerging as an asset class for some long-term investors, exemplified by Fidelity’s All-in-One ETFs—which blend a small yet potentially impactful allocation of 1% to 3% of cryptocurrency into diversified portfolios of stocks and bonds. Adding a sprinkling of crypto assets to your portfolio could have these advantages:

Diversification and hedging against traditional markets

Diversification has typically meant allocating your portfolio to a certain percentage of stocks and bonds. However, bonds have had a torrid couple of years, and high inflation rates are spooking stock markets. So, investors are seeking fresh ideas. Diversifying with crypto could be promising because—although volatile and risky in itself—crypto does not suffer from all the same systemic risks that some stocks and bonds do. However, investors need to consider other crypto risks, such as regulatory uncertainty and technology risks.

Potential for higher returns

In diversified portfolios, stocks have so far been the growth engine. But, with crypto offering higher historical returns over the past 10 years, even a small allocation of 1% to 3% to crypto can potentially enhance an ETF’s returns.

A slice of the future

A small allocation to crypto gives you a slice of (what could be) the future of money and investments. Nobody knows how big the crypto market will be in 10 years and what role crypto will play in the future. A Fidelity All-in-One ETF with a small 1% to 3% allocation to crypto allows you to participate in the (possible) future without managing or storing it yourself. 

Pure crypto ETFs vs. all-in-one ETFs

Fidelity’s All-in-One ETFs allocate 1% to 3% to crypto. It’s a low percentage, but BTC has delivered annualized gains of over 50% over the last five years, so even a small allocation can give your investments a big boost. While many Canadian investors will be content with this 1% to 3% crypto allocation, some experienced investors may want to manage their crypto allocation themselves—with the ability to increase or decrease their crypto allocation independently. For these investors, there’s the Fidelity Advantage Bitcoin ETF, which invests substantially all of its holdings in bitcoin. In fact, Fidelity’s All-in-One ETFs gain exposure to BTC through this very ETF. Here’s an overview of Fidelity’s All-in-One ETFs that include crypto in their neutral asset allocation mix (as at Oct. 31, 2023).


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