If you’ve always had a bit of a mental block when it comes to investing, you’re not alone. Research consistently shows many of us see major hurdles to leap before we can be persuaded to give it a go.

Fidelity’s latest Women and Money study found that 32% of women cited fear of risk as a barrier to investing (compared to 23% of men). A study earlier this year by Wealthify suggested that nearly three quarters of women don’t feel confident investing their money, compared to 58% of men. The underlying factors included a fear of losing money, a fear of getting scammed, and not knowing where to start.

“Women are failing to invest as much as their male counterparts – at risk of creating a permanent gap in their financial health and wealth. Only a quarter of women are investors, compared to four in 10 men,” says Emma Wall, head of investment analysis and research, Hargreaves Lansdown.

And there’s the rub: you may be waiting to reach that oasis in your life when there is ‘enough’ time/energy/money to take a look at investing. But the problem is that the longer these daily obstacles get in the way of focusing on supercharging the growth of your money, the less time your money has to make greater returns when you do get around to investing it.

So, where do you start?

If you have a pension, you’ve actually already made the first step. The contributions you make are already being invested for you to provide an income when you stop working. Max out your contribution when you can, chances are you’ll need to make up for career breaks that will negatively impact your long-term financial prospects.

If you can also manage to put away a regular amount from your salary (or a lump sum) and leave it untouched it for a minimum of five years – preferably longer – it’s worth looking at investing. The gains can be bigger than saving, but the value of investments can go down as well as up which is why it’s important to take the long view. So what’s stopping you?

#1 Not enough money

“The number one blocker to investing is lack of money – women across all age groups state that if they only had more, they would take the plunge,” says Emma. “As women get older (and the pay gap widens and demands on income increase) this becomes far more of a barrier for women as it does for men.”

First, let’s bust the ‘not enough money’ myth straightaway: you don’t need a lump sum to start investing. “For example, ISAs are a popular option as they’re tax free, simple to set up and you can start with just £25 a month,” says Emma-Lou Montgomery, financial commentator, Fidelity. “If you’re looking at getting into investing your first step should be looking at the different types of investments and understanding which one works best for you. Consider what you are saving for, what the timeframe is and then have a look at the options available to you,” she says.

#2 Fear of losing money

There are three sides to this barrier – the inherently risky nature of the stock market, trusting others with your money (when you may not fully understand the mechanics of the stock market yourself) and worries about getting scammed.

Your attitude to risk

This is all about understanding your own attitude to risk, says Emma-Lou. “Choose the level of risk that you feel most comfortable with and spread your money across different investments. This means that even if one area of your investments isn’t doing so well, you have other areas that probably will be, making it a good way to both grow your money and offer a little protection too.

“Regardless of how experienced an investor you are, it is almost impossible to predict how the market is going to shift and behave. It may feel counterintuitive but staying invested through uncertain times or market shocks can often be the best approach,” she says.

Patience is all when it comes to investing, says Myron Jobson. “The key is to give your money ample time in the market to smooth out the effects of weekly market ups and downs. “Investors can have unrealistic expectations about growing their money over the short term. There are a number of studies that show that most short-term investors lose money. New investors need to be aware that buying and selling stocks frequently can get expensive. It can result in trading fees and stamp duty charges.”

To help you get a better idea of your ‘risk profile’ and the kind of investment you’d feel comfortable with, check out the FCA’s InvestSmart from the FCA.

Trust issues

It’s perfectly rational not to want to put your money into anything you don’t understand. In a new industry report by PIMFA**, 68% of non-investors said they probably, or definitely, would not start investing within the next 12 months. The reasons given for not doing so ranged from perceptions of the investment world as intimidating (56%), a lack of exposure to investing within their social circles (77%) and feeling emotionally apprehensive or overwhelmed about investing (54%).

Educating yourself about investing, and reducing the fear factor, will put you in a better place to make decisions about who you trust with your money and what you invest in. Emilie Bellet, the founder and CEO of Vestpod, says: “Investing plays a vital role in achieving financial independence and fulfilling our long-term goals. It’s not just about beating inflation and benefiting from compound growth; it’s about making our money work as hard as it can for us.”

Easy ways to educate yourself

There are plenty of books, events, webinars and investment communities, many of them designed specifically for women, and all designed to support understanding and confidence around investing.

  • Dip a toe in the water: FCA InvestSmart and MoneyHelper are both great sources of general information about how investing works.
  • Find a financial advisor (IFA), for expert guidance and advice on the right mix of investments, based on your circumstances and the level of risk you’re willing to take. Check the adviser is FCA regulated and look for someone who understands your life. Use Unbiased and Vouchedfor to find regulated IFAs in your area.
how to get started investing

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Protect yourself from financial crime

The good news for would-be investors is that there is robust regulation around financial institutions. “The large platforms are regulated by the FCA and are required to dedicate time, money and people to protecting your money,” says Emma Wall. “Never share or store your password somewhere it can be accessed by others, and never give out your full details over the phone or online – we will only ever ask for part of your password or security number.”

Remember, a bank, building society or investment platform will never cold call you. The FCA keeps a warning list of unauthorized firms and individuals updated – check it here.

Be careful getting investment advice of social media!

According to Shepherds Friendly, more than 25% of Gen Zs surveyed said they were getting their financial advice from TikTok. And the FCA’s own research into how young adults interact with investment via social media shows that few young investors are thinking long term. Laura Suter, head of personal finance at AJ Bell says: “Lots of young people use the likes of TikTok and Instagram to research investments, which can be a recipe for disaster. It means people will end up investing in far too risky assets or getting lured into scams and losing all their money,” she says.

You can check the FCA’s financial services register to find warnings about current scams, and use its scam investment checker tool.

#3 I’ll stick to savings rather than investing

Of course, the first two rules of good finances are to have a healthy rainy-day fund (3-6 months’ worth of salary) that’s easily accessible, and keep debt under control. These should be the first priority before considering investing. But after that, it shouldn’t be a savings vs investing, either/or situation, says Myron Jobson: “The answer is you should be doing both if you have the means to do so – whatever your goals and attitude to risk.”

In a survey by PIMFA, 46% of non-investors understood the risk of the value of their cash savings being eroded by inflation over time.

“As women, we tend to be good at saving. But holding cash isn’t typically enough and doesn’t always move the needle enough in terms of reaching financial goals,” says Ayesha Ofori, founder of Propelle. “Investing in the stock market can help women to reach their goals and reach them faster than just by saving. While some women have enough cash to see them through comfortably to end of their life, many women don’t. They need their money to stretch further. They can continue to save (which means they might not reach their goals) or they can invest. Investing is more likely to make their money work harder for them (although it does carry risk). The important thing is to weigh up the risk and take appropriate risk in line with your situation,” she says.

Obviously, past performance is no guarantee of future performance, but we asked Hargreaves Lansdown what the return on £10,000 would have been if invested in the stock market over the past ten years compared to saving it on the high street. They told us that £10,000 invested in a global tracker fund over the past 10 years would have grown in value to almost £30,000. The same money in an NS&I income bond would now only be worth around £11,250*.

Five simple tips for newbie investors

  1. Get a financial overview “You have to be in a comfortable financial position before you invest – meaning you have no outstanding high interest debt and have a healthy rainy-day fund, and other payment obligations are accounted for,” says Myron Jobson.
  2. Set Financial Goals You need to know why you are investing and for how long. “Determine what you want to achieve through investing, whether it’s saving for retirement, buying a house, or funding a child’s education. Having clear goals will guide your investment strategy,” says Carla Brown, senior partner, Oakmere Wealth Management.
  3. “Take 10-20 minutes a week, each week, to educate yourself. Lean into online resources from trusted sources, find a community you feel comfortable with, ask them questions, and just start doing!” says Emilie Bellet.
  4. “Set up a regular saving scheme. “A good starting point is to look at popular tax efficient investment products like ISAs, that allow you to invest without paying tax on your potential returns. You can open an ISA with as little as £1, making it a great way to get started,” says Ayesha Ofori.
  5. Investment platform comparison websites are a great place to start if you aren’t sure what you’re after, such as Finder or Money.co.uk. “I find robo-advisers really helpful for beginners as they offer ready-made portfolios, which means your money will be invested immediately in a diversified way. Once and if you’re ready to customise your portfolio, you can choose to DIY,” says Emilie Bellet.
  6. Focus on your pension “If you’re investing for the long term – to pay for your retirement adventures – and you’re employed, often the most sensible course is to simply max out your workplace pension contributions. It is literally free money – as you get top-ups from your employer and the Government,” says Emma.

*Legal & General International Index Class C and the NS&I Income Bond figure is based on calculations using the historic rates on NS&I website.

** PIMFA, the trade association for wealth management, investment services and the financial advice and planning industry

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