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The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP28, starts this week in Dubai.

Ahead of the summit, we look back to an episode of our Money Clinic podcast from two years ago, when our experts looked at environmental, social and governance investing — ESG for short.

While there has been a boom in people putting their money in ESG funds, there are plenty of questions around how ‘green’ this really is.

Thirty-year-old Harri appeared on one of the first episodes of Money Clinic and his decision to invest in ESG funds appears to have paid off: he has made a decent return.

But he wonders how much this has been down to the underlying investment performance and how much because of the soaring popularity of ESG investments. With a record $3.9tn now held in sustainable assets worldwide, is this outperformance sustainable? 

Claer is joined by the FT’s Manuela Saragosa and Share Action’s Catherine Howarth, who have put ESG investing to the test. They offer practical tips on how to make greener choices with your pension or Isa and becoming an activist shareholder.

Plus, they debate how worried investors should be about ‘greenwashing’. 

Presented by Claer Barrett. Executive producer is Manuela Saragosa. Produced by Persis Love. Assistant producer is Talia Augustidis. Sound design by Breen Turner. Clips: Sky News, CNBC International, UN Climate Change, Guardian News. 

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