©Robert Kiyosaki

©Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki’s recent interviews declare that it’s the end of “this” as he holds up a dollar bill. He’s been known to refer to dollars as fiat money and counterfeit fake dollars and encourage followers to seek alternative assets.

“All empires come to an end,” Kiyosaki says. “It’s the end of the American empire. It’s explosive.” He predicts that when “cash” comes to an end, war follows. Kiyosaki said in a video interview that he hopes he is wrong, but when the author of the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” financial empire starts waving the red flag, it’s time to pay attention to the possibility of a depression. After all, Kiyosaki accurately predicted the fall of the Lehman Brothers and the 2008 financial crash.

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Now? He says stock marketing is teetering on the edge of another 1930’s-style crisis. While some financially savvy people will be prepared and able to weather the storm, financial crashes turn into more doom and gloom for some people over others.

Here’s what Kiyosaki suggests you do to arm yourself for the impending storm.

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How To Get Rich in an Economic Downturn

Here are some ways Kiyosaki suggests you prepare for economic adversity that’s coming in 2024 and 2025 and use it to become a millionaire — before it’s too late.

Be Prepared With Gold

Buying gold is a trend Kiyosaki has capitalized on since 1972 when it was $50 an ounce. In 2023, Kiyosaki predicted gold would climb to $2,100 per ounce. Now, at $2,055 an ounce, he still recommends it because he “doesn’t trust the Fed,” and historically, gold isn’t affected during economic turbulence around the globe. That’s why investors like gold as an asset during a crisis — it tends to hold its value.

Buy Silver

This precious metal is another currency Kiyosaki recommends people invest in. He’s called it “the biggest investment bargain right now.” It’s also a more affordable investment for people to get into over gold. You can buy silver in the form of coins, jewelry, bullion or ETFs that track silver trends.

Invest In Bitcoin

Kiyosaki has been known to hold up a dollar bill and call it “toilet paper,” in interviews. He says that our education system says dollars are money, but why doesn’t it say gold is money or silver? He declares “I do not invest in anything you can print.” (like dollars)

“I own Bitcoin because it’s people’s money,” Kiyosaki has said in interviews. Even though it has a volatile history, he predicts bitcoin could soar to $135,000. At  the time of this writing, Bitcoin is trading at $43,647.

Whether you believe Kiyosaki’s soothsayings or not, one of his seven steps to reach your financial goals is to improve financial literacy. We can get behind that advice 100%.

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: ‘Rich Dad’ Robert Kiyosaki Reveals His 2024 Master Plan and His Advice for Becoming a Millionaire

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